England.pl is a registered financial organization owned by the fintech company, Fintecom, and is domiciled in Poland. England.pl has the primary mission to provide timely and secure transfer of money, as well as credible currency exchanges for its users.

Contact England.pl

Phone number Poland
+48 94 343 58 14
Phone number UK
+44 2032 907 203
Business account


Head office
Koszalin, Poland
Poland, UK

Transfer options

Poland, UK
Transfer time
0 - 1 day
Transfer limit
10,000 EUR

Withdrawal options


Payment options

Debit Card
Credit Card
Bank Transfer

This financial service platform has a license from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, which allows it to deliver its services without restrictions. There are over 70,000 registered users on their platform and have recorded a total transfer of PLN 400 million in a year.

England.pl operations are focused on the countries comprising the United Kingdom, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. With the integration of modern technology and the internet, they assist residents living in these nations to transfer money to Poland, especially the Polish community.


The process of performing transactions on England.pl platform is simple and easy to do. The steps involved include the following:

  1. The first step is opening an account on the website. No payment is required to sign up on the platform Create account England.pl
  2. The next stage involves ordering a transfer from your customer panel. Then you enter the details of the recipient. The information of the recipient you should provide include the location, the name, the delivery method, and other relevant details. enter the details of the recipient
  3. After providing the recipient’s information, the next stage involves initiating the transfer order. You need to indicate the amount you want to send and select your payment option for the transfer. The payment options available on England.pl are local bank transfer, debit cards, and credit cards. select your payment option
  4. This is the final step. Following your indication of payment option, the transfer of the money is executed by England.pl. This involves the exchange to the currency of the recipient. Then, through the indicated payout option, the recipient gets it. the final step

It is important to know that England.pl does not accept any form of cash payments. Also, the transfers that are acknowledged are those from an account registered on the website. Another vital information is the processing time for transfers. The execution of money transfers is completed within an hour of its request or order; however, this applies to workdays.

Fees and Exchange Rates

The fee for money transfers on England.pl depends on the total amount and the currency, either GBP or PLN. Another factor that determines the transfer fee is the location of the sender and receiver. For all transfers that are equal to or higher than 100 GBP or 500 PLN, there is no fee charged for such transactions. However, if the transfer amount is less than this amount, the transfer fee is 3 GBP and 15 PLN, respectively.


  • With over 50,000 registered users on England.pl, it has become one of the most reliable and credible platforms available to send money to Poland.
  • England.pl has a good number of positive reviews on Trustpilot.
  • They offer cyber protection to the money and information of clients
  • With the acquisition of its license, England.pl is recognized as a national payment platform in Poland.
  • You can obtain vital financial information and advice on their platform.

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