5 Currency Online Group
2021.01.25 02:36:41

This was the first time I had sold my unused Euros leftover from my last holiday by this method online. In the past I had used the post office by going in and handing over my Euros at an inferior rate but was ok with this as I just wanted sterling back. I had a choice online with several different buyers but chose Currency Online Group as they were at the top of the list and gave the best rate which I was very happy with as it was not a marked up price like the post office but instead a genuine currency market price. Once I had gone through the simple transaction process, the order was placed and the amount I would receive in pounds sterling was given on their site and subsequent email to me. I took the Euros to my local post office they did the paperwork put the money in the free special delivery tamperproof bag and I was charged postage of £6.38 even paying the postage I was still very happy with what I would receive. No worries using COG as everything was so smooth and simple with a great exchange rate. I would use them again in an instant. Thank you Currency Online Group. It is refreshing that in todays financial system there are some companies that do not rip off people and offer fairness instead. Andrew Morgan A very satisfied customer.


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