Compare money transfers from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

Find the best way to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) without fees.
As of March 14, 2025 you have 31 option available with an exchange rate starting at 491.5740 CDF per 1 BRL.

The results were calculated a few hours ago

Best way to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to send 2000 BRL to CDF
2000 BRL = 956136.01 CDF
Rate 491.5740
Fees 54.95 BRL
3 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

2 easiest ways to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to wire 2000 BRL to USD
No fees
First 3 transfers are fee-free with code 3FREE
2000 BRL = 264.99 USD
Rate 0.1325
Fees 0 BRL
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
2000 BRL = 335.50 USD
Rate 0.1716
Fees 44.33 BRL
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

Cheapest way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to transfer 2000 BRL to EUR
2000 BRL = 310.55 EUR
Rate 0.1585
Fees 40.77 BRL
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

4 easiest ways to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to wire 2000 USD to CDF
2000 USD = 5669774.88 CDF
Rate 2864.0000
Fees 20.33 USD
3 days
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account

4 easiest ways to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to wire 2000 USD to USD
2000 USD = 1993.69 USD
Rate 1.0000
Fees 6.31 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1990.97 USD
Rate 1.0000
Fees 9.03 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

6 cheapest ways to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to transfer 2000 USD to EUR
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 USD = 1892.00 EUR
Rate 0.9460
Fees 0 USD
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1831.85 EUR
Rate 0.9205
Fees 10.05 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account

4 cheapest ways to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to transfer 2000 EUR to CDF
2000 EUR = 6159219.86 CDF
Rate 3110.5600
Fees 19.90 EUR
3 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

5 easiest ways to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to wire 2000 EUR to USD
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 EUR = 2040.60 USD
Rate 1.0203
Fees 0 EUR
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2160.37 USD
Rate 1.0861
Fees 10.89 EUR
1 day
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2159.89 USD
Rate 1.0861
Fees 11.33 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
Bank account

4 cheapest ways to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to transfer 2000 EUR to EUR
2000 EUR = 1999.05 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 0.95 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 1998.60 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 1.40 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
Bank account

The best services for sending money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

How to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

Sending money from one country to another has a rich history. Once a tedious process, overseas money transfer has become way easier than it ever was. The facilities like e-transfers from and to bank accounts and credit cards and made it very easy to send and receive money to and from most of the countries around the world. Talking about the best way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC), experts suggest using one of the many reputed remittance companies.

Serving as a secure platform for online money transfers, remittance companies help individuals send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC). There are many rules and regulations imposed by authorities to make the process safe and easier. However, before you send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC), it is important to have a thorough knowledge of the process.

Available options for receiving remittances from Brazil to Congo (RDC)

We have found several available options for receiving remittances from Brazil to Congo (RDC). Receiving a transfer from Brazil can be done to Congo (RDC) to a bank account.

How do I transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) to a bank account?

Different ways to pay for money transfers to Congo (RDC) from Brazil

We have found a few convenient ways to pay for money transfers to Congo (RDC) from Brazil. You can use a Bank account to pay for transfers to Congo (RDC).

How to send money to Congo (RDC) from Brazil from a bank account?

How to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) online?

The cheapest way to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) is e-transfer. There are many remittance companies that offer safe and easy e-transfer services to send money to and from a foreign country. The remittance company will guide you about the entire process and make your money transfer process easier and swift. Comparing remittance companies however is of great importance as you definitely need to ensure that you choose the best way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC).

Which provider to use to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC)?

Often individuals want to send money from one country to another struggle with choosing the best remittance company. The availability of several remittance companies makes it even more complicated. Choosing the right company needs an understanding of the remittance process as well as the comparison of different service providers. TransferWise, WorldRemit, Skrill, Azimo, and Western Union are some of the most reputed remittance companies available in the market. These companies will guide you about the best and cheapest way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC).

The efficacy of your e-transfer also depends on the currency exchange rate. The official currency of Brazil is Brazilian Real (BRL). The cost of sending money may differ from one company to another and hence you must compare well before you engage with one.

How much does it cost to send money to Congo (RDC) from Brazil?

Sending money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) has become very cost-effective. Unlike yesteryears, you do not have to pay hefty costs for online transfer to distant countries. Nowadays, remittance companies offer cost-effective and easiest services. You will have to pay a flat service charge and an added amount, usually a percentage of the amount you are sending.

Our advantages:

When you choose us to help you find the best remittance company to wire money from Brazil to Congo (RDC), we ensure that you are presented with the best options. As a platform for comparing different remittance companies, we ensure that you get safe and cost-effective services and send money wherever in Congo (RDC) you want to. We have helped several individuals engage the best remittance companies to wire money at a cost-effective rate.


What is the best way to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) (BRL → CDF)?

What is the fastest way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) (BRL → CDF)?

What is the cheapest way to transfer money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) (BRL → USD)?

How long does it take to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) (BRL → USD)?

What payment methods to use for transfers from Brazil to Congo (RDC)?

How to receive money transfer from Brazil in Congo (RDC)?

How to send money from Brazil to Congo (RDC) for free?

Popular destinations of transfers from Brazil