Compare money transfers from Israel to the United Kingdom

Find the best way to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom without fees.
As of January 21, 2025 you have 37 options available with an exchange rate starting at 0.2240 GBP per 1 ILS.

The results were calculated a few hours ago

Best way to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to send 2000 ILS to GBP
2000 ILS = 448.00 GBP
Rate 0.2240
Fees 0 ILS
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

Easiest way to wire money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to wire 2000 ILS to USD
2000 ILS = 546.20 USD
Rate 0.2731
Fees 0 ILS
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

Cheapest way to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to transfer 2000 ILS to EUR
2000 ILS = 528.40 EUR
Rate 0.2642
Fees 0 ILS
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

7 easiest ways to wire money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to wire 2000 USD to GBP
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 USD = 1568.80 GBP
Rate 0.7844
Fees 0 USD
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1617.65 GBP
Rate 0.8139
Fees 12.47 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1617.20 GBP
Rate 0.8086
Fees 0 USD
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

4 easiest ways to wire money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to wire 2000 USD to USD
2000 USD = 1992.09 USD
Rate 1.0000
Fees 7.91 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account

7 cheapest ways to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to transfer 2000 USD to EUR
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 USD = 1892.00 EUR
Rate 0.9460
Fees 0 USD
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1914.09 EUR
Rate 0.9627
Fees 11.65 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1913.20 EUR
Rate 0.9566
Fees 0 USD
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

6 cheapest ways to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to transfer 2000 EUR to GBP
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 EUR = 1641.80 GBP
Rate 0.8209
Fees 0 EUR
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 1682.66 GBP
Rate 0.8458
Fees 10.53 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 1680.40 GBP
Rate 0.8402
Fees 0 EUR
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

6 easiest ways to wire money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to wire 2000 EUR to USD
No fees
Special rate for new customers
2000 EUR = 2040.60 USD
Rate 1.0203
Fees 0 EUR
Within 24h
Payment options
Bank account Credit card Debit card
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2067.98 USD
Rate 1.0396
Fees 10.89 EUR
1 day
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2049.60 USD
Rate 1.0248
Fees 0 EUR
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

4 cheapest ways to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom

How to transfer 2000 EUR to EUR
2000 EUR = 1999.05 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 0.95 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 1998.60 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 1.40 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
Bank account

Best services to transfer money from Israel to the UK

How to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom

The 21st century is so amazing with the prevailing advanced technology across the globe. This is because the world has become so competitive with technologically-advanced services. Have you ever imagined of transacting money across country borders for business or for upkeep to your family in another country? Well, this article is outlining the cheapest way to send money from Israel to the UK. 

Available options for receiving remittances from Israel to the United Kingdom

We have found several available options for receiving remittances from Israel to the United Kingdom. Receiving a transfer from Israel can be done to the United Kingdom to a bank account.

How do I transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom to a bank account?

Different ways to pay for money transfers to the United Kingdom from Israel

We have found a few convenient ways to pay for money transfers to the United Kingdom from Israel. You can use a Bank account to pay for transfers to the United Kingdom.

How to send money to the United Kingdom from Israel from a bank account?

The best way to transfer money

If you need the cheapest way to transfer money from Israel to the UK, then this article outlines ways to choose from. The receiver in the UK should have either bank accounts, credit cards, or use other means like online transfer. You can easily send money without having to sign many documents as opposed to what we were used to in the past.

Which money transfer services to use?

If you’re need the easiest way to wire money from Ione country to another, then here is a list of possible options that you may consider: 

  • TransferGo – Sending money from Israel to the receiver in the UK has never been this fast. TransferGo offers low-cost, fast, and secures global money transfer by use of either credit or debit cards.
  • Currencies Direct – This can be the best way to transfer money if the time taken for the money to get to the receiver is to be considered. It is the easiest means of sending money with many different channels. 
  • WorldRemit’s Review– Looking for a convenient way to transfer money online? Here is a service provider that uses the e transfer method through a mobile app that ensures the money gets to the address within the shortest time possible.
  • Azimo’s Service and Coverage – Offers an alternative digital money transfer to traditional cash-based money transfer. The recipient in the UK can receive money directly into his or her bank account or mobile wallet.  
  • Skrill Money Transfer – Skrill offers you the most reliable and fastest means of sending money to recipients in different countries.
  • TransferWise Money Transfer – Offers affordable means of sending money from Israel to the UK. Check it out!

How much does it cost?

Different service providers have different service fees that they have set. From the list of available companies from the search results, you can choose the most affordable service that you can use. You should expect the charges to increase with the increasing amount to be transacted. Also, don’t get surprised if you find that some companies offer money transfer services without transaction fees for an amount up to a certain limit.

Our advantages

We have conducted extensive research on all the possible ways of sending money to different countries. All our findings are summarized in an easy-to-use way where you can simply get what you need from our database by typing your current country and the recipient’s country. On hitting the search button or enter key of your keyboard, you get all the companies that offer the services. 

You can then choose from the list the service provider to use. All the companies listed here are reliable and approved. So, your money is always safe.


What is the best way to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom (ILS → GBP)?

What is the fastest way to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom (ILS → GBP)?

What is the cheapest way to transfer money from Israel to the United Kingdom (ILS → USD)?

How long does it take to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom (ILS → USD)?

What payment methods to use for transfers from Israel to the United Kingdom?

How to receive money transfer from Israel in United Kingdom?

How to send money from Israel to the United Kingdom for free?

Popular destinations of transfers from Israel