Compare money transfers from Thailand to Singapore

Find the best way to send money from Thailand to Singapore without fees.
As of January 21, 2025 you have 33 options available with an exchange rate starting at 0.0389 SGD per 1 THB.

The results were calculated a few hours ago

3 best ways to send money from Thailand to Singapore

How to send 2000 THB to SGD
2000 THB = 76.52 SGD
Rate 0.0383
Fees 99 THB
Payment options
Receive options
Cash at Location
2000 THB = 77.76 SGD
Rate 0.0389
Fees 0 THB
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

Easiest way to wire money from Thailand to Singapore

How to wire 2000 THB to USD
2000 THB = 57.02 USD
Rate 0.0285
Fees 0 THB
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

Cheapest way to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore

How to transfer 2000 THB to EUR
2000 THB = 55.27 EUR
Rate 0.0276
Fees 0 THB
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

5 easiest ways to wire money from Thailand to Singapore

How to wire 2000 USD to SGD
2000 USD = 2699.02 SGD
Rate 1.3579
Fees 12.43 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 2697.50 SGD
Rate 1.3579
Fees 13.55 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 2696.00 SGD
Rate 1.3480
Fees 0 USD
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

4 easiest ways to wire money from Thailand to Singapore

How to wire 2000 USD to USD
2000 USD = 1992.09 USD
Rate 1.0000
Fees 7.91 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account

5 cheapest ways to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore

How to transfer 2000 USD to EUR
2000 USD = 1914.09 EUR
Rate 0.9627
Fees 11.65 USD
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank Debit (ACH)
Receive options
Bank account
2000 USD = 1913.20 EUR
Rate 0.9566
Fees 0 USD
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

5 cheapest ways to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore

How to transfer 2000 EUR to SGD
2000 EUR = 2806.65 SGD
Rate 1.4107
Fees 10.41 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2806.02 SGD
Rate 1.4107
Fees 10.86 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2795.60 SGD
Rate 1.3978
Fees 0 EUR
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

5 easiest ways to wire money from Thailand to Singapore

How to wire 2000 EUR to USD
2000 EUR = 2067.98 USD
Rate 1.0396
Fees 10.89 EUR
1 day
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 2049.60 USD
Rate 1.0248
Fees 0 EUR
2 days
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account

4 cheapest ways to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore

How to transfer 2000 EUR to EUR
2000 EUR = 1999.05 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 0.95 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Bank account
Receive options
Bank account
2000 EUR = 1998.60 EUR
Rate 1.0000
Fees 1.40 EUR
A few minutes
Payment options
Receive options
Bank account

Best Services to send money from Thailand to Singapore

How to send money from Thailand to Singapore

Everyone knows that they can walk into a bank in Thailand and request for a money transfer to Singapore. However, most people do not choose that option simply because they want the best way to transfer money. There are other better options that are faster and cheaper than using banks. So, if you are going to enjoy the cheapest way to send money, continue reading to get all the answers.

Available options for receiving remittances from Thailand to Singapore

We have found several available options for receiving remittances from Thailand to Singapore. Receiving a transfer from Thailand can be done to Singapore to a bank account or in cash.

How do I transfer money from Thailand to Singapore to a bank account?

Different ways to pay for money transfers to Singapore from Thailand

We have found a few convenient ways to pay for money transfers to Singapore from Thailand. You can use a Bank account or Cash to pay for transfers to Singapore.

How to send money to Singapore from Thailand from a bank account?

How to send money

While using the banks is an option, the most preferred and recommended option is to get it done online. E-transfer of money can easily be completed right in your home as long as there is an internet connection. Here is the breakdown of how to send money to Singapore from Thailand.

  1. Choose a platform and create an account.
  2. Enter the details of the transfer.
  3. Crosscheck the details and pay for the transfer.
  4. Receive the confirmation message and save the receipt.

Which service to use?

  1. Transferwise: This is one of the best ways to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore. It is a fast, affordable, and reliable online service that gives highly competitive exchange rates and great Singapore Dollar value for your Thailand Baht. You pay a percentage of the amount you are sending as transaction fees, and the receiver gets Singapore Dollars within a short time.
  2. Currencies Direct: Currencies Direct is another e-transfer service that allows you to send money to a bank account in Singapore from Thailand using your credit card. It is quick, efficient, and the exchange rates are fair.
  3. Halo Financial: This is more suitable for people who are sending high amounts as the minimum that you can transfer using Halo Financial is 2000 THB.

You can also send directly from your bank account, but the transaction fees are usually too high, and it takes a few business days for the money to get to Singapore.

What does it cost?

Using the e-transfer method is the cheapest way to send money, and you will not get such rates if you choose to send through a bank. The cost is not always the same, but it is usually a very tiny fraction of the amount you are sending.

Our advantages

Due to the fact that not many online transfer services allow users to send money from Thailand to Singapore, we have put together the best that we can find among those few. Below are the advantages of using our services:

  1. These services make money transfer fast, cheap, and convenient.
  2. High level of security. Your details and that of the recipient remain safe on these platforms.
  3. Fair exchange rate and transaction charges that you cannot get anywhere else.
  4. Different payment options.
  5. Users can receive funds in their bank account or pick up depending on which is convenient for them.


What is the best way to send money from Thailand to Singapore (THB → SGD)?

What is the fastest way to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore (THB → SGD)?

What is the cheapest way to transfer money from Thailand to Singapore (THB → USD)?

How long does it take to send money from Thailand to Singapore (THB → USD)?

What payment methods to use for transfers from Thailand to Singapore?

How to receive money transfer from Thailand in Singapore?

How to send money from Thailand to Singapore for free?

Popular destinations of transfers from Thailand